Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a colleague's work #2

I appreciate the authors point of view with regards to the latest town hall meetings which are discussing healthcare reform. I strongly disagree with the author when she states, "I don't see a problem with the protesting." These town hall meetings are forums that allows both sides to voice their opinions not to disrupt or protest those who attend to have a healthy discussion. These radical protesters are spreading hatred, intimation by carrying loaded hand guns and spreading false information about the proposed healthcare reform will contain.

For those senior citizens who have Medicare and medicaid which believe the public option run by our government is so aweful, I would like know how many would give up their government run medicare/medicaid. Good luck, trying to purchase private healthcare insurance.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Republican party wandering in exile

During the eight years of Bushs' administration, The Republican party led by Carl Rove were very active in dividing this nation and running our nation's economy into the ground. They spun lies about the reasons for going to war and attack those who were opposed to the Iraqi invasion as un-American. Carl Rove systemically fired numerous state Attorney Generals for the sole reason that these AG did not procescute Democratic leaders. Bushs' administration gave huge tax breaks to the wealthiest american when our nation was at war. We saw what the Replublican party is capable of doing when in power - total distruction of our nation's morales, treasure and relentless attack on americans who disagree with their ultra conservative views.

Almost immediately after President Obama was swore in as President of the United States of America, we saw the republican party resorting to the same old play book used during the past eight years. Our nation is facing many critical issue that needs to be address - Healthcare reform, Financial reform, Bankruptcy reform and social security reform to mention a few. How is the Replubican party addressing these issues? Are they introducing any bills that contain real change? Are the Republicans meeting with the Democrate party in good faith? The answer to these questions is "No!".

The Republican party have and still are behaving like spoiled bullies. The Republican party are sending conservative to town hall meeting with the sole purpose of being disruptive. To prevent americans from having a civil debate on healthcare reform. It really makes me sick to my stomach to see this type of rude behavior on tv.

For those republican who read my blog, is this acceptable behavior? We have a democratic nation where the majority of its citizens elect their representatives to pass laws and make policies. I wish the republican party would keep their disruptive comments to themselves - stop spreading hatred.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heavy lifting for the Generation X

I agree with Lea article, Is "improving" healthcare really healthy?, where she points out the heavy lifting that the x-generation will have during their lifetime. The young people of today are burden by both enormous national debt created by elected public officials and an aging population which requires a large sums of money to treat end-of-live illnesses. Begining in 2011, the baby boomers will begin to retire. There will be three retired baby boomers for every ten workers (Baby boomers). This country can not afford the baby boomer generation to retire nor recieve medicare / medicaid benefits.

Lea raises an important question about fairness - it is fair for the younger people to be required to obtain health insurance knowing that they will be paying the same premiums of that of an older person and be less likey to need health benefits? As for the fairness in cost, the same is true for wealthy indivuals with clout. They are some who receive outstanding healthcare coverage at a fraction of the cost others pay. The current healthcare system just doesn't make sense nor does it benefit the consumers. Those proponents for the status quo in healthcare in American does not understand their health insurance has a maximum lifetime limit. Once reached, the policy is void. Very few people in America really have life long health insurance. Most of them are our public officials.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Influential clout

It is truly baffles me how Rush can make such outrageous statements only to have his ditto heads follow his every word. For example, Rush stated, "He hopes President Obama would fail" also "Obama has yet to prove he's a citizen". What is more disturbing, is his continuing efforts to raise racial overtone. Remember the NY Post cartoon: Two cops that shoot a chimp that has the caption "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.

On several occassions in the past few months, a handful of public officials would denounce Rush's statements only to be forced to back-peddle, retract their criticism of Rush (Cantor, Steele and Pat Roberson to name a few). Where does Rush get his clout? The republican party has lost 2 consecutive elections, lost both houses of congress and the executive branch. The party is self-destructing, splittering off into 2 groups. Thos who are on the far right and the rest. The party has no message, no real issue other than abortion. How long will the republican majority going to tolerate the extreme views of Rush Limbaugh and the ultra conservatives?

I believe we will have the answer to that question after the 2010 elections. The republican party can not afford to lose any more seats in congress especially the senate. If this happens, I predict Rush Limbaugh will not only lose his audience, his advertisers and those who are really providing his clout (lobbyist)

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Truth on Racism in America

I agree with the author,Hard Truths and the Teachable Moment: The Gates-Crowley Saga, when she says, "The hard truth that Professor Gates needs to hear is that he is the one who handed over his power to Officer Crowley. Letting his agitation get the better of him, Gates lost the ability to shape the outcome of the encounter and set up his own victimization by a poorly trained police officer."

I also understand why Prof. Gates reacted the way he did which was unfortunate. As for Srgt Crowley, I can not understand why he had to handcuff and take the rofessor to the police station to charge him. What crime did Prof. Gates commit?

Even I find myself bias when I have an encounter with African-Americans male, especially if he has a dark complection. Whereas, I have a more favoreable opinion of the light skin male. For those white americans who refuses to understand the history the African-American males had when they were brought to america, only need to answer a couple of questions. Does an African-American need to pay more of a car then a white person with similar income and job status? Does an African-American need to pay a higher interest rate then a white person with similar income and job status?. The answer is no, but it happens on a regular basis. i think what happens was that Sgt. Crowley did not know how to react to the screaming black man and the threatening statement of the professor did not help the situation at all. It is a hard truth, truth that we all feel uncomfortable discussing; that racism in America still exists.

I believe the author's intended audience, was both African-American and white. She clearly points out her opinion where each man were in the wrong. As for the author's credibility, I reviewed her bio - Robin Wells earned a Ph.D. in Economics from Berkeley and was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at MIT. She has taught economics at University of Michigan, Stanford Business School, and MIT, and published in scholarly journals. I was not positive if she herself was an African-American, I think that would have given her a more of an insight on how African-Americans think and feel with confronted with law enforcements.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama's Health Cost Illusion

In the Wall street Journal article, "Obama's Health Cost Illusion", written by the WSJOpinion editors, the author provided several arguments why having national public health care option would result in the nationalization of U.S. health markets which implies all health care will be rationed by politics - Does anyone believe the current private health care system does not ration health care? The first point made was an attempt to draw the conclusion that public option will have the same outcome as Medicare which average spending increase of 2.7percent above GNP growth each year. What the author fails to mention are: Who profited from Medicare? Secondly, with the Republicans controlling both the executive and the legislative branch during the past 8 years, where were those special interest groups / lobbist at when they could have had Medicare program improved by removing those wasteful loop holes? The second argument against public option is the assumption that there will be a shortages of resources because people will tend to abuse the health care services if their out-of-pocket cost are low. I dont believe that is true. Personally, my employer provides great insurance with low deductiables and co-payments.Yet, my family members rarely go to the doctors. If this is really a valid concern of the private health care companies, they had the opportunityto discuss their concerns when they meet with President Obama. Bottomline, the health care companies are in the business of providing the minimum coverage with maximum profits - President Nixon's conversation with Mr. Ehrlichman related to HMO Act of 1973.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Interview with President Obama on Health Care Reform

Dr. LaPook interview President Obama on Health Care Reform. While reading this article, I was very surprised and deligthed to read the honest, candid conversation President Obama had with Dr. LaPook on health care reform. During this interview, President Obama mentions that he has came to the conclusion that health care insurance should be mandated for all Americans, with a hardship exemption. He came to this conclusion after realizing young people who are cheap to insure but generally opts out on health care coverage. President Obama also points out one of several crucial flaws with the current health care systems. The insurance company who refuse to pay for recommended course of action are the same ones who consider the appeal of their original decisions. These insurance companies are in the business to make profits. President Nixon laughs when Mr. Ehrlichman discussing the creation of HMO in 1973. I for one would like to discuss health care reform starting with HMO Act.