Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heavy lifting for the Generation X

I agree with Lea article, Is "improving" healthcare really healthy?, where she points out the heavy lifting that the x-generation will have during their lifetime. The young people of today are burden by both enormous national debt created by elected public officials and an aging population which requires a large sums of money to treat end-of-live illnesses. Begining in 2011, the baby boomers will begin to retire. There will be three retired baby boomers for every ten workers (Baby boomers). This country can not afford the baby boomer generation to retire nor recieve medicare / medicaid benefits.

Lea raises an important question about fairness - it is fair for the younger people to be required to obtain health insurance knowing that they will be paying the same premiums of that of an older person and be less likey to need health benefits? As for the fairness in cost, the same is true for wealthy indivuals with clout. They are some who receive outstanding healthcare coverage at a fraction of the cost others pay. The current healthcare system just doesn't make sense nor does it benefit the consumers. Those proponents for the status quo in healthcare in American does not understand their health insurance has a maximum lifetime limit. Once reached, the policy is void. Very few people in America really have life long health insurance. Most of them are our public officials.

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