Monday, August 10, 2009

Republican party wandering in exile

During the eight years of Bushs' administration, The Republican party led by Carl Rove were very active in dividing this nation and running our nation's economy into the ground. They spun lies about the reasons for going to war and attack those who were opposed to the Iraqi invasion as un-American. Carl Rove systemically fired numerous state Attorney Generals for the sole reason that these AG did not procescute Democratic leaders. Bushs' administration gave huge tax breaks to the wealthiest american when our nation was at war. We saw what the Replublican party is capable of doing when in power - total distruction of our nation's morales, treasure and relentless attack on americans who disagree with their ultra conservative views.

Almost immediately after President Obama was swore in as President of the United States of America, we saw the republican party resorting to the same old play book used during the past eight years. Our nation is facing many critical issue that needs to be address - Healthcare reform, Financial reform, Bankruptcy reform and social security reform to mention a few. How is the Replubican party addressing these issues? Are they introducing any bills that contain real change? Are the Republicans meeting with the Democrate party in good faith? The answer to these questions is "No!".

The Republican party have and still are behaving like spoiled bullies. The Republican party are sending conservative to town hall meeting with the sole purpose of being disruptive. To prevent americans from having a civil debate on healthcare reform. It really makes me sick to my stomach to see this type of rude behavior on tv.

For those republican who read my blog, is this acceptable behavior? We have a democratic nation where the majority of its citizens elect their representatives to pass laws and make policies. I wish the republican party would keep their disruptive comments to themselves - stop spreading hatred.

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