Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Obama's Health Cost Illusion

In the Wall street Journal article, "Obama's Health Cost Illusion", written by the WSJOpinion editors, the author provided several arguments why having national public health care option would result in the nationalization of U.S. health markets which implies all health care will be rationed by politics - Does anyone believe the current private health care system does not ration health care? The first point made was an attempt to draw the conclusion that public option will have the same outcome as Medicare which average spending increase of 2.7percent above GNP growth each year. What the author fails to mention are: Who profited from Medicare? Secondly, with the Republicans controlling both the executive and the legislative branch during the past 8 years, where were those special interest groups / lobbist at when they could have had Medicare program improved by removing those wasteful loop holes? The second argument against public option is the assumption that there will be a shortages of resources because people will tend to abuse the health care services if their out-of-pocket cost are low. I dont believe that is true. Personally, my employer provides great insurance with low deductiables and co-payments.Yet, my family members rarely go to the doctors. If this is really a valid concern of the private health care companies, they had the opportunityto discuss their concerns when they meet with President Obama. Bottomline, the health care companies are in the business of providing the minimum coverage with maximum profits - President Nixon's conversation with Mr. Ehrlichman related to HMO Act of 1973.

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